Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This is my first POST!!!

You all should feel so privileged... Na just kidding... Well what should I sound off on....Sorry for pausing...

Oh first of all I did not vote today. Waaahh, you know what I'm the first person to say that we are the ones who can make a difference, and in order to do that we must try. Well the only reason I didn't try was because I didn't do my research. I'm not going into a voting booth not knowing what each candidates views and beliefs are. I wouldn't vote for every democrat or republican which ever it may be. I would be know better than the person who doesn't vote. When it comes down to it, which person made a better decision the one who voted for Bush or the one who didn't vote at all. "Well every vote counts." - Everybody. Even blind votes??

Anyways enough about politics, how about entertainment? I wonder how those Kevin Federline album sales are doing??? I tried to find out but I need to subscribe and pay to find out on Billboard, but either way his album hasn't been out for a week yet, tomorrow. Oh and fresh off the press, or TMZ , Kevin Federline and Britney Spears have filed... Or should I say Britney Spears Federline, she should still be remember as an idiot, has filed for divorce. Who would have guessed such a tragedy . Who's next Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon. Oh yea I forgot, I guess I should have seen it coming. I hate how Hollywood, Hollywood is.

Fin, for now at least this was kinda fun. I don't think anyone will read this unless I try to draw attention to it. But if you do come across this I hope you enjoyed it.


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